Providers must make their amendments directly into the portal for services provided in the previous week. You must confirm by close of business on Tuesdays. By doing this you are confirming that all payments and amendments are correct. Your payment will be based on what you have submitted.
Failure to submit and confirm with-in the specified time may result in non-payment, until such a time that you’ve submitted any amendments and confirmed.
Any missing service lines already agreed and confirmed by a social worker are reportable by the Provider to the Support Options team via email at Please forward incoming communications you may have had with the social worker. Support Options team would then refer to the allocated social worker.
If you identify a change in a person’s need, i.e., you may consider the person would benefit from a change of service, you must contact either the allocated social worker or the relevant Adult Services Access Point. Providers should not change planned service delivery without prior authorisation from a social worker.
The relevant Adult Services Access Points are:
- People with a Learning Disability or Autism to Adults With Disabilities Front Door Team:
- Mental Health: Please contact the relevant community Mental Health Teams:
Mental Health Review Team -
City CMHT -
North/ Somerset House CMHT
South and West CMHT -
Airewharfe CMHT
Integrated Outreach Team IOT