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Provider Portal - Global Information

This page has been created to assist providers using the Provider Portal.

For specific guidance relating to particular services, please select the appropriate link from the right to move to that section. 

Whilst we all adapt to the new process of using the Provider Portal, this guidance will be reviewed and updated accordingly following feedback from providers. This section will serve to make you aware of any changes to the guidance and/or processes.























It is a website run by Bradford Council and acts as an electronic portal between Care Providers and the Local Authority's back office contract management system (ContrOCC).

The provider portal will allow all non-residential providers to be able to submit information about the actual services delivered in the week compared to the planned level of service. Currently this information is recorded by providers in Excel spreadsheets called Payment Claim Forms (PCF’s).

Implementing the provider portal to replace PCF’s is also an important aspect of being able to move away from annual billing of customers assessed contributions and introducing 4-weekly billing.

Making this change in invoicing ensures the department is Care Act compliant and be able to meet the requirement of the deferred charging reforms. What we charge will be linked to services received in the previous four weeks rather than over a 52-weeks period.

As a result, there will be less reconciliation of invoices during the financial year when there are amendments need to the person contribution that is linked to changes in the amount of chargeable services having been received.

The basic principles of using the portal are the same regardless of the type of service being provided however the way in which actuals are recorded varies depending on the service.

It is important that you follow the guidance specifically created for that service.

This landing page gives general information and guidance which is applicable across all service types

Functional Content

          Log in                    Generate Actuals                       

                        Logging In                                      Generate Actuals                      Confirm Actuals 



                        Checklist                                               Disputes                                  Reports


Helpful Content


                                       Do's & Don'ts                                                     Contacts                                                


Logging In


Logging in to the portal (and password reset)


If you have forgotten your password or are locked out, you will need to email provider.portal@bradford.gov.uk to request the account unlocking,

Your account will be locked if you have not accessed the Provider Portal within the last 90 days.

If you wish to reset your password and/or your six-digit security code, you can do this from the Provider Portal home page.

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Generate Actuals


Confirm Actuals

Confirm Actuals





  • Generated Actuals
  • Amended actuals where necessary
  • Provided comment where submission is anything different to planned service
  • Reviewed exceptions and amended/corrected where necessary
  • Confirmed actuals




See drop-down options below for further guidance on responding


Using Reports


See drop-down options below for further details on each of the reports

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Do's & Don'ts

Do's & Don'ts




Ensure submissions are in by the close of business each Tuesday

Submit extras when adjustment forms have been submitted and accepted

Confirm actuals in Scheduled Payments


Provide detailed comment when claim is for anything other than the planned service










Who to contact and when

Who to contact and when

Password Reset - Please email provider.portal@bradford.gov.uk

Access to Portal required

Service line incorrect

Service ended/client died

Payment query

Last updated:

Feedback on this page