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Support at Day Care

Providers must make their amendments directly into the portal for services provided in the previous week. You must confirm by close of business on Tuesdays. By doing this you are confirming that all payments and amendment are correct. Your payment will be based on what you have submitted. 

Failure to submit and confirm with-in the specified time may result in non-payment, until such a time that you’ve submitted any amendments and confirmed. 

Any missing service lines already agreed and confirmed by a social worker are reportable by the Provider to the Support Options team via email at support-options@bradford.gov.uk, once a 4-week period has elapsed.  Please forward incoming communications you may have had with the social worker. Support Options team would then refer to the allocated social worker.  

If you identify a change in a person’s need, i.e., you may consider the person would benefit from a change of service, you must contact either the allocated social worker or the relevant Adult Services Access Point. Providers should not change planned service delivery without prior authorisation from a social worker.    

The relevant Adult Services Access Points are:  

People with a Learning Disability or Autism to AWD Review Team  


Mental Health to MH Duty Team  

to be advised, but in the interim jointly e-mail both:    

Abida.Bibi-Ashiq@bradford.gov.uk and Jennifer.Holroyd@bradford.gov.uk   

Older Persons to Independence Advice Hub  


Following the introduction of the Day Activities Provider List, Support at Day Care services are intended specifically for third-party providers who deliver additional support alongside that delivered by the Day Activity Provider.  Payment for Support at Daycare services is made against actuals. 

Support at Day Care services will not be paid on days when the Day Care service is closed or when planned support is not delivered.  

To record when planned support has not been delivered, providers must edit the actual and add a comment detailing the absence.  

Provider Guidance in relation to the reporting of service users who are absent from services is below. 

Absence Management Process                                                                                              

If a service user is not able to attend an agreed support session, the Provider will look to find out the reason for non-attendance as soon as possible, and the Provider will log that absence and the reason in their own records, as well as in the Provider Portal.

Planned absence

In the event of a pre-planned period of absence (whether this is by way of a holiday or a stay in hospital/ convalescence) and the period of absence from service is likely to exceed 4-weeks, then the Provider will immediately notify either the person’s allocated social worker, or the Council’s relevant Adult Services Access Point.  The Provider will log the absence, and the reason, in their own records, as well as in the Provider Portal.

Unplanned short-term absence

On the first day of any unplanned absence, the reason for the absence will be established; the Provider will contact the service user’s family to ascertain the whereabouts, and safety of, the service user and record this.   Individual circumstances may determine that the Provider should immediately notify either the allocated social worker, or the Council’s relevant Adult Services Access Point (commonly the Adults With Disabilities Front Door Team) or Safeguarding Adults Team depending on the circumstances.   The Provider will log the absence, and the reason, in their own records, as well as the Provider Portal.

Unplanned long-term absence

If a period of unplanned absence exceeds 2 weeks, then the Provider will advise either the allocated social worker, or the Council’s relevant Adult Services Access Point.  The Provider will log the absence in their own records, as well as the Provider Portal.

Sporadic / predictable absence

Regular absences with a pattern (e.g. same day each week) will trigger the provider to notify either the allocated social worker, or the Council’s relevant Adult Services Access Point in order to check whether the number of planned sessions is actually needed. The Provider will monitor and log all such absences, and the reason, in their own records as well as the Provider Portal.


There is an aspiration towards closer and more regular communication between Day Activities services and the Social Worker teams.  This will include each party keeping the other regularly updated about the circumstances of individual cases where social workers are involved.

Review of non-attendance

If an individual service user’s attendance falls below 70% in a rolling 3-month period, then the Provider will either advise the relevant allocated social worker, or the Council’s relevant Adult Services Access Point.  The Provider will log such absence in their own records, as well as the Provider Portal.  Where this applies, the Provider will notify the service user that their support package is being referred for review by a social worker.

If the social worker informs the Provider that this placement is no longer needed, then the provider will instigate the contractual notice period.

Please complete the Portal Use Template. You will be asked to provide the following:

  • Full name 
  • Organisation
  • Job Title
  • Email 
  • Direct Contact Number
  • Office Telephone Number
  • Work Address

The Portal User Template should shared with those staff in your organisation responsible for entering and submitting financial data related to the payment of Day Care services which you provide. 

Once you have completed the Portal User Template, we will create your account for the Provider Portal. Your credentials will be sent to the email you have provided in your Portal User Template submission, via Galaxkey. 

Helpful Content


                               Definitions                                                                  Do's & Don'ts


                                 Contacts                                                                          FAQs



Functional Content

Log in                      Generate Actuals                         Variations

           Logging In                                          Generate Actuals                      Inputting Actuals (Variations)



        Exceptions                                                Confirm Actuals                                       Checklist


         Communication (Actuals)                                Disputes                                               Reports

Logging In


Logging in to the portal (and password reset)


If you have forgotten your password or are locked out, you will need to email provider.portal@bradford.gov.uk to request the account unlocking,

Your account will be locked if you have not accessed the Provider Portal within the last 90 days.

If you wish to reset your password and/or your six-digit security code, you can do this from the Provider Portal home page.

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Generate Actuals


Inputting Actuals



Actuals can be input manually or by exporting and importing a CSV file.

To view guidance on inputting actuals using a CSV file, click here

Amending actuals

Below is an example of the Edit Actuals section of the portal

  • Actual – This is the actual service delivered
  • Service Level – Details the type of service e.g. homecare, support at day centre
  • PL – This is the planned service. This cannot be amended.
  • FRSTD – Frustrated. This is the box to use when service has not been provided but payment is required.
  • MSD – Missed. This is the box to use when the person did not receive the service.
  • XTR – Extra. Do not amend this figure
  • VST – Visit. Do not amend this figure
  • Total Cost – This details the breakdown of the cost/payment due
  • Comments – We require you to provide adequate detail when the planned service is not delivered

***Below example shows a homecare service level but the process is the same for Support At Day Care***


In this example, the person was planned to receive 5 hours of support

No support was provided as the person did not attend the centre. 

Amend the figure in the Actual box from 5 to 0

Record the 5 not provided in the Missed box

Provide a comment giving a detailed reason

** This video uses a home care plan as the example but the principle is the same for Support At Day Care**

Importing/Exporting Actuals using CSV file

Importing Actuals Using CSV File


** Below examples show a home-care service but the principles are the same for Support At Day Care**


The file details the following:

Service – Name of service provider

Service level – Single-handed, double-handed etc

SS Ref – This is what you will use to identify the service user you are making any amendments to. For guidance on how to use VLOOKUP to include the name of the person, click here

Date – This relates to the week the actuals are for. The format is Year/Month/Date.

Weekly Actual Quantity – This is the numbers of hours that were actually provided to the service user

Weekly Frustrated Quantity – Do not enter any figure here.

Weekly Missed Quantity – This is the number of hours not provided

Weekly Extra Quantity – Do not enter any figure here

Weekly Number Of VisitsDo not amend this figure regardless of whether full planned service was provided

Comments – This must be completed with the reason(s) why the full planned service was not provided or where claims for additional services are being made. Failure to complete this may result in payment being rejected.


  • If full planned service provided entirely, you do not need to make any amendments


  • If the actual service delivered differs to the planned service, you must amend the 'Weekly Actual Quantity' and also enter a corresponding figure in the 'Missed' column



Confirm Actuals

Confirm Actuals





  • Generated Actuals
  • Amended actuals where necessary
  • Provided comment where submission is anything different to planned service
  • Reviewed exceptions and amended/corrected where necessary
  • Confirmed actuals






See drop-down options below for further guidance on responding


Using Reports


See drop-down options below for further details on each of the reports

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See below drop-down options for further explanation

Do's & Don'ts

Do's & Don'ts




Ensure submissions are in by the close of business each Tuesday

Don't put any figures in the Extra or Frustrated actuals boxes

Confirm actuals in Scheduled Payments

Don't amend the figure in the Visits box

Provide detailed comment when claim is for anything other than the planned service

Don't add names on to the CSV file if exporting/importing actuals

Record absences in the missed column








Who to contact and when

Who to contact and when

Password Reset - Please email provider.portal@bradford.gov.uk

Access to Portal required - Please complete the Portal Use Template.

Service line incorrect - Contact either the allocated social worker or the relevant Adult Services Access Point. Providers should not change planned service delivery without prior authorisation from a social worker. The relevant Adult Services Access Points are:

People with a Learning Disability or Autism to AWD Review Team -AWDReviewTeam@bradford.gov.uk

Mental Health to MH Duty Team - to be advised, but in the interim jointly e-mail both: Abida.Bibi-Ashiq@bradford.gov.uk and Jennifer.Holroyd@bradford.gov.uk

Older Persons to Independence Advice Hub - IAHInbox@bradford.gov.uk

Service ended/client died - As above. 

Payment query - Fss Payments at fss.payment@bradford.gov.uk


You cannot confirm actuals for a week where the payment has already been processed. 

Any missing service lines already agreed and confirmed by a social worker are reportable by the Provider to the Support Options team, once a 4-week period has elapsed.  Support Options team would then refer to the allocated social worker.

Please e-mail Support-Options@bradford.gov.uk with service users details i.e. NHS number, full name, address and post code and Support Options will look into.

You may need to generate the actuals. This could be a new and/or backdated service line.

You cannot request resolution of a dispute that has already been resolved. Check if the status is 'Resolved'.

Last updated: