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1 to 1 Support at Residential / Nursing

Providers must make their amendments directly into the portal for services provided in the previous week. You must confirm by close of business on Tuesdays. By doing this you are confirming that all delivered hours and amendments are correct. Your payment will be based on what you have submitted. 

Failure to submit and confirm with-in the specified time may result in non-payment, until such a time that you’ve submitted any amendments and confirmed.  

Any missing service lines already agreed and confirmed by a social worker are reportable by the Provider to the Support Options team via email at support-options@bradford.gov.uk.  Please forward incoming communications you may have had with the social worker. Support Options team would then refer to the allocated social worker.  

If you identify a change in a person’s need, i.e. you may consider the person would benefit from a change of service, you must contact either the allocated social worker or the relevant Adult Services Access Point. Providers should not change planned service delivery without prior authorisation from a social worker.    

The relevant Adult Services Access Points are:


  • Mental Health: Please contact the relevant community Mental Health Teams:


  • Older People
  • Contact the Independence Advice Hub (IAH) on 01274 435400

Key Messages​


  • Providers should confirm Actuals, even if there are no changes.​
  • Extras should not be claimed for in Support at Residential / Nursing.  The service should be delivered on planned hours. Any increase in service even if this is temporary, must be requested to the relevant operational team and will be managed by a temporary additional service line or new service line if approved. ​


Personal Hours

  • A Frustrated Call relates to Hospital Admission only. This must be recorded in frustrated calls, see guidance videos for more detail.  The allocated social worker/social work team should be informed on the date of admission. Community Support / Personal Support / One to One Hours, can be paid for up to 6 weeks.  The operational team will need to make a decision to confirm any funding beyond 6 weeks.
  • Hospital may request (where appropriate), for staff who support the person in their home to support them at hospital during their stay. When a service user is in hospital, clinical staff would primarily be responsible for supporting the service user. If personal hours are available support staff should use these to support the service user.
  • Missed Calls – Planned – where notice has been given e.g. adult has gone on holiday so will not be using the support, please see video for detailed guidance on how to complete.  This will not be paid.​
  • Missed Calls - Non engagement/ short notice cancellation by service users.  This could be client refused entry or did not engage in the full planned hours offered. Providers should also raise this with the relevant operational team for a package review following 3 consecutive occurrences. This will be paid if client does not give 48 hours notice that they do not require support.  Please see video for detailed guidance
  • Missed Support/ Care - Due to provider issues e.g. staff sickness.  If Provider rearrange support within the same week, no action is required.  However, if missed in full, this should be recorded as a missed call and noted in the comments. This will not be paid.​

Please complete the Portal Use Template. You will be asked to provide the following:

  • Full name 
  • Organisation
  • Job Title
  • Email 
  • Direct Contact Number
  • Office Telephone Number
  • Work Address

The Portal User Template should be shared with those staff in your organisation responsible for entering and submitting financial data related to the payment of Day Care services which you provide. 

Once you have completed the Portal User Template, we will create your account for the Provider Portal. Your credentials will be sent to the email you have provided in your Portal User Template submission, via Galaxkey. 

Helpful Content


                               Definitions                                                                  Do's & Don'ts


                                 Contacts                                                                          FAQs



Functional Content

Log in                           Generate Actuals                          Variations

           Logging In                                          Generate Actuals                      Inputting Actuals (Variations)




           Exceptions                                         Backdated Service Lines                    Confirm Actuals



           Checklist                                            Communication (Actions)                        Disputes




Logging In


Logging in to the portal (and password reset)


If you have forgotten your password or are locked out, you will need to email provider.portal@bradford.gov.uk to request the account unlocking,

Your account will be locked if you have not accessed the Provider Portal within the last 90 days.

If you wish to reset your password and/or your six-digit security code, you can do this from the Provider Portal home page.

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Generate Actuals


Inputting Actuals



Actuals can be input manually or by exporting and importing a CSV file.

To view guidance on inputting actuals using a CSV file, click here

Manually Inputting Actuals

  • Amend the ‘Actual’ box to reflect the number of hours delivered if different to the planned support
  • Update the figures where necessary for Actual, Frustrated and Missed only
  • Under no circumstances should you amend the figure in the Extra box – this will suspend payment and cause delays in you receiving your expected payment


        *** Note – Figures must be in units of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 & 1.00 ***


‘Actual’ – This is the actual amount being claimed

Pl’ = Planned. This is the planned service. This cannot be amended.

Frstd’ = Frustrated. This should be used for hospital retainer payments.

Msd’ =  Missed e.g. Support cancelled in advance or carer/support worker unable to attend as expected


Vst’ = Visit. It is not necessary to amend the figure regardless of whether all, some or no service/support was provided

Comments’ – This must be completed if anything other than the planned service/support has been provided.


See drop-down options below for examples of the different types of actual submissions


In this example, the planned service was 5 hours per week. The person went into hospital after only receiving 2 hours of the expected 5. To ensure that you are paid for the full amount of the planned service but also to ensure that the client is charged according to the service actually provided, you record the actuals as follows:

Actual – Amend the figure in the box to the 2hrs that were provided

Frustrated – Amend the figure in the box to show the 3 hours that were not provided but where payment is still required.

Comment – Put the week e.g. Week 1 hospital


In this example, the planned service was 5 hours per week. The person was going on holiday and gave advance notice that they would only require 2 hours of support.

Record the actuals as follows:

Actual – Amend the figure in the box to the 2hrs that were provided

Missed – Amend the figure in the box to show the 3 hours that were not provided but where payment is still required.

Comment – Provide details of why the planned service was not provided


Short notice/Refused to engage

In this example, the planned service was 5 hours per week. The carer was due to provide support but the person cancelled on the day they were planned to receive a 1hr call.

Record the actuals as follows:

Actual – Leave the figure as 5 (the expected planned service)

Missed – Amend the figure in the box to show the 1 hour that was not provided but where payment is still required.

Comment – Provide details of why the planned service was not provided

Important – Please note that by entering the actuals in this way, an Exception will be triggered for ‘Actual Does not Add Up’. This is ok, we require this for our internal processes – it will not affect your payment

Importing/Exporting Actuals using CSV file

Importing Actuals Using CSV File


The file details the following:

Service – Name of service provider

Service level – Single-handed, double-handed etc

SS Ref – This is what you will use to identify the service user you are making any amendments to. For guidance on how to use VLOOKUP to include the name of the person, click here

Date – This relates to the week the actuals are for. The format is Year/Month/Date.

Weekly Actual Quantity – This is the numbers of hours that were actually provided to the service user

Weekly Frustrated Quantity – The number of hours for calls not provided due to hospital admission. These will be payable but it is important that they are not included on the ‘Weekly Actual Quantity’

Weekly Missed Quantity – This is the number of hours not provided e.g. calls had been cancelled in advance or the carer was unable to attend as expected

Weekly Extra Quantity – Do not enter any figure for extras, these will not be paid and will cause delays to your payments

Weekly Number Of VisitsDo not amend this figure regardless of whether full planned service was provided

Comments – This must be completed with the reason(s) why the full planned service was not provided or where claims for additional services are being made. Failure to complete this may result in payment being rejected.


  • If full planned service provided entirely, you do not need to make any amendments
  • If the actual service delivered differs to the planned service, you must amend the ‘Weekly Actual Quantity’ and also enter a corresponding figure in the relevant ‘Frustrated’ or ‘Missed’ column
  • Once all amendments have been made, Save the file to a location of your choice
  • Go back to ‘Actuals’ and then select ‘Actuals Bulk Import





See drop-downs below for examples of different types of actual submissions

In this example, the planned service was 5 hours per week. The person went into hospital after only receiving 2 hours of the expected 5. To ensure that you are paid for the full amount of the planned service but also to ensure that the client is charged according to the service actually provided, you record the actuals as follows:

Actual – Amend the figure in the box to the 2hrs that were provided

Frustrated – Amend the figure in the box to show the 3 hours that were not provided but where payment is still required.

Comment – Put the week e.g. Week 1 hospital

In this example, the planned service was 5 hours per week. The carer was due to provide support but the person cancelled on the day they were planned to receive a 1hr call.

Record the actuals as follows:

Actual – Leave the figure as 5 (the expected planned service)

Missed – Amend the figure in the box to show the 1 hour that was not provided but where payment is still required.

Comment – Provide details of why the planned service was not provided


Important – Please note that by entering the actuals in this way, an Exception will be triggered for ‘Actual Does not Add Up’. This is ok, we require this for our internal processes – it will not affect your payment

In this example, the planned service was 5 hours per week. The person was going on holiday and gave advance notice that they would only require 2 hours of support.

Record the actuals as follows:

Actual – Amend the figure in the box to the 2hrs that were provided

Missed – Amend the figure in the box to show the 3 hours that were not provided but where payment is still required.

Comment – Provide details of why the planned service was not provided




Exception Example - Actual does not add up

In this example, the planned level of service was 5 hours. The client had given advance notice that 1 hour would not be required. 

The figure in the Actual box is still showing as the expected 5 hours that were planned

The figure in the Missed box shows the 1 hour that was not provided


  • The system recognises that the figures don't tally

  • When the service was not provided and payment should not be made e.g. should only receive payment of 4 hours in this example, the actuals should be input as below:

***NOTE - There are instances where we require this exception to be triggered and that is when the person has given short notice cancellation or refused to engage and you still require payment 



Exception Example - Planned Exceeded For Week

In this example, the planned level of service was 5 hours. 

The Actual figure has been amended to show 7 hours are being claimed

The Xtr (Extra) has been amended to 2

Extras should not be claimed through the portal

  • The system recognises that more than the planned hours are being claimed




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Backdated Service Lines

Back-dated Service Lines

  • When a service has been backdated, you will see the amendments on the most recent week you are working on. If you have the email notification for Care Package Line Items activated, you will receive an email to advise you.
  • To view the expected payments, go to Scheduled Payments and filter by the applicable week
  • When payments have been calculated on the Local Authority’s contract management system (this is done overnight on a daily basis), amendments will show
  • On this example, we will look at the service user Sid Waddell
  • Sid was planned 1hr of single-handed service each week (£20.00)
  • The current week is week beginning 23rd January 2023
  • The service is increased to 5hrs of single-handed service each week (£100.00)
  • The service is backdated to start from 2nd January 2023
  • When payments have been calculated on the Local Authority’s contract management system, you will see negative amounts of -£20.00 for each of the backdated week

  • This is because the service line no longer exists for these weeks and the system looks to recoup the monies already paid
  • In order for the backdated line(s) to be factored into the claim, you will need to generate actuals for each of the weeks that the line was backdated
  • To do this, go to Actuals and navigate to the week that the line was backdated to. In this example, it was week beginning 2nd January 2023
  • You will see that in this week, it is showing the original actual of 1hr however it now shows that there isn’t a planned service – This is why the system is looking to recoup the £20.00 payment for the week
  • To factor in the backdated service line, you will need to press Generate Actuals

  • Once you have generated the actuals, it will now show the backdated service line of 5hrs


  • You will need to repeat the process of generating the actuals on each of the weeks that the service line was backdated
  • If any variations are required e.g. fewer hours were provided in any of the weeks, then you would need to amend the actual accordingly
  • To amend the actual, click on the Add/Edit button


  • This will open the service(s) for that particular week
  • Only amend the actuals on the backdated service line (the one which shows there are planned hours)
  • Whenever an actual is amended, you must record a comment


  • Once the actuals have been generated for all of the weeks and payments calculated on the Local Authority’s contact management system, you can view the adjustments in Scheduled Payments under the current week
  • On this example, we can see that there are adjustments for each of the backdated weeks (from 2nd January 2023)
  • The original service was 1hr (£20.00)
  • The backdated service is 5hrs (£100.00)
  • The system is now paying the £80.00 difference for each of the backdated weeks (as payment of the original 1hr £20.00 had already been made) and the full £100.00 for the current week (23rd January)


  • Confirm the payments as normal


  • Once payment has been made by the Local Authority, you will be able to see the adjustments on the remittance advice
  • To view the remittance, go to Scheduled Payments, select the applicable week and then Download Remittance Advice

  • The remittance advice will show the breakdown of payments

Confirm Actuals

Confirm Actuals





  • Generated Actuals
  • Amended actuals where necessary
  • Provided comment where submission is anything different to planned service
  • Reviewed exceptions and amended/corrected where necessary
  • Confirmed actuals






See drop-down options below for further guidance on responding


Using Reports


See drop-down options below for further details on each of the reports

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See below drop-down options for further explanation

If you identify a change in a person’s need, i.e., you may consider the person would benefit from a change of service, you must contact either the allocated social worker or the relevant Adult Services Access Point. Providers should not change planned service delivery without prior authorisation from a social worker.    

The relevant Adult Services Access Points are: 


  • Mental Health: Please contact the relevant community Mental Health Teams:

        Mental Health Review Team -

        City CMHT - city.cmht@bdct.nhs.uk

        North/ Somerset House CMHT Somerset.House.CMHT@bdct.nhs.uk

        South and West CMHT - sw.cmht.duty@bdct.nhs.uk

        Airewharfe CMHT Awc.Duty@bdct.nhs.uk

        Integrated Outreach Team IOT BradfordIOT@bdct.onmicrosoft.

A temporary change to planned support hours for reductions only. For example because of service user going on holiday or into hospital etc. Providers should add any variations to the Provider Portal, you must add a comment to the comments box stating the reason for the variation. Extras should not be added.

If a long term reduction is required, this must be raised with the allocated Social Worker/relevant Duty Team.

Providers should always note in the Provider Portal the reason they have delivered a reduced service in the comments box. Failure to do this may result in delays in payments or potential complaints from service users where support has been reduced and they are being charged by the Council for the higher amount.

If you identify an immediate safety concern, you should raise these concerns with the allocated Social Worker/relevant Duty Team or the Safeguarding Team.

An individual online form must be completed for each service user that providers are requesting an
adjustment for.

If there is an increase and a reduction for a service user, starting on the same date, the request
should be submitted on one individual online form. If there are different start dates for the increase
and reduction, then two separate individual online forms need to be completed.

Do's & Don'ts

Do's & Don'ts




Ensure submissions are in by the close of business each Tuesday

Don't use Frustrated claims for anything other than hospital retainer 

Confirm actuals in Scheduled Payments

Don't submit extras

Provide detailed comment when claim is for anything other than the planned service

Don't add names on to the CSV file if exporting/importing actuals


Don't amend actuals whilst the week is still in progress, enter on the Monday or Tuesday of the following week







Who to contact and when


You can control which email notifications you receive. On the portal landing page, go to 'Email Notifications'


From here, you can tick or untick which notifications you will receive. We would encourage that you opt in to receive notifications for:

  • Actions - This would notify you of actions (communication) raised or responses received
  • Care Package Line Items - This would notify you of changes to service lines
  • Disputes - You would receive notification when a dispute is raised
  • Password Change - You would be notified immediately if the password has been changed (please note that this would not detail what the password had been changed to)


You cannot confirm actuals for a week where the payment has already been processed. 

Where you find that you are providing support to a service user and their payments are missing from the Provider Portal, please e-mail Support-Options@bradford.gov.uk with service users details i.e. NHS number, full name, address and post code and Support Options will look into.

You may need to generate the actuals. This could be a new and/or backdated service line.

You cannot request resolution of a dispute that has already been resolved. Check if the status is 'Resolved'.