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Adult Social Care in Bradford

1. What is Social Care?

Adult social care aims to help people stay independent, safe and well so they can live the lives they want to. This includes people who are frail, have disabilities or neurodiversity, mental health issues as well as the people who care for them.

We provide information and advice about care and support to all residents, offer short term help and options for longer term support if people have more complex needs.

Social care can include 'personal care' such as support for washing, dressing and getting out of bed in the morning, as well as wider support to help people stay active and engaged in their communities.

2. What does Adult Social Care look like in Bradford?

Although the aim of social care across the country is the same, each local authority has some differences between them on how they aim to support the people within their districts. Bradford's current commissioning strategy can be found HERE.

3. Care for yourself or a loved one?

Whether you're looking for support for yourself or someone you care about, you are able to make a referral to The Department of Adult Social Care within the Bradford District by clicking; "Contact Independence Advice Hub", alternatively you can find out more about "How to Access Social Care" which gives all the different routes, or options, you have to request support from Adult Social Care within Bradford.

4. Early Help and Prevention

This term, Early Help and Prevention, is used for the services that support people by acting early, with the aim of returning people to the point of full indepence and no longer needing support from social care. We want to enable people to feel confident to make choices about their health and care, recover quickly from setbacks, and promote independence in people and within the communities in Bradford District.

5. Long Term Care

This term, Long Term Care, is used for those services where we expect people will need support for a long time, they can stabilise people's level of care needs, preventing further support for being required, for months or even years. Usually the expectation is that once someone needs long term care, although their needs can stabilise, eventually their situation will deterioate and they will eventually require more care or a higher level of care service.

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