Legacy Agency Limited

Legacy Agency Limited

About this provider

We provide live-in care, personal care, household, domestic, companionship, end of life, respite care and night sitting to our clients. We will bring the highest standards to home care service available to live a heathier life in the comfort of our clients’ homes. We aim to leave a positive legacy as the most caring and trustworthy team. Our staff are available to provide company and engage in conversation or simply share a meal with our clients. Social contact is proven to enhance health, happiness and quality of people’s lives. Companionship care services can help to maintain a connection with loved ones and be more involved within their community. We support our clients with personal care activities that relate to maintaining personal care appearance and hygiene, including toileting, dressing and grooming support. As a service we train our staff to best level of health care services and will continue to learn as a team.

Contact details

1st floor, East Suite Water front, Salts Mill, Shipley, Bradford

07453 556505



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