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Equalities data

Equality Diversity and Inclusion Dataset Pilot

Over the last year, Adults Commissioning and Contracts have been looking at how we collect and use equalities data from people who use commissioned services. We piloted a new approach with 9 providers during the summer and are now ready to roll this out to all providers.

Between 1st October and 31st October, you are being asked to share the new equalities questionnaire with everyone who uses your commissioned services in Bradford and support them to complete it where required.

The questionnaires can be completed either,

    • By sending the link and unique service ID directly to the person for them to complete the questionnaire themselves, or
    • By a member of staff supporting the person to complete the questionnaire on a phone or tablet

If you haven’t been sent the link and your unique service ID, please email ASCConsult@bradford.gov.uk

Guidance on the questionnaire and accessible information resources are available below.

PLEASE NOTE: The Easy Read version of the questionnaire has been provided as a support tool to help staff to work through the questionnaire with people. It should not be completed directly. All responses must be submitted via the online questionnaire.

Audio Guides

Why We Do Equality Monitoring - Audio
Why We Do Equality Monitoring - Audio
People Commissioning Equalities Data Monitoring - Audio
People Commissioning Equalities Data Monitoring - Audio


Equality Monitoring Easy Read - Audio
Equality Monitoring Easy Read - Audio