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Bradford Provider List

This profile will remain during the initial months of the directory to support people in completing their profiles.

Description of the service you provide, can be as long or short as you wish and may include brief description of organisation. Within Directory name, please put the name of the service/support you're advertising, not your organisation name.

Please note that for any section you do not include information, the system will automatically remove this from your profile. If a section is not relevant to your service, please leave this blank, rather than typing N/A or 'we do not provide'.



Contact Details

If you have different phone/email address for referrals or contacting you, please list them here with a brief explanation of what the use for that information is (head office, referrals, support queries, etc.)

What do we offer?

Please detail the support that this service provides. For example: We supply home care within Bradford City Centre and surrounding neighbourhoods.

Who do we support?

This is where you include the types of care needs you support. For example: We support people in the own homes, our main focus is to support Older People (over 65) and people with Physical Disabilities.

How can you access this service?

How do they access your service, can they ring you, do they need to be referred, etc.. For example: You can either contact us direct if you're a self-funder, or through your Social Worker or the Council's Information and Advice Hub.

How long can we support you for?

Daytime Activities, Early Help and Prevention, Autism and Neurodiversity, Other Only. Some Services are time limited intervention services. For example: We support with reablement, therefore can only provide support for up to 12 weeks.

What facilities do we have?

What facilities are on offer? For example: Our venue has on site disabled access through a ramp to the front door, accessible toilets to the left of the entrance and a safe space located to the rear of reception.

Do we offer respite care?

Care Home Only. Confirmation of whether or not you provide respite care. For Example: We offer respite placements for up to two weeks within our home.

How is the service managed, Housing or Care?

Extra Care and Supported Living Only. Within the scheme, who is the landlord and who is the care provider (can be the same organisation). For example: WeCare4U provide the care within 64 Grover Lane. Our partner organisation Housing4All provide the landlord/housing service.

What is the size of the setting/building?

Care Home, Extra Care, Supported Living, Housing Related Support Only. Detail of the size of the accommodation and how may people can be supported. For example: Within 64 Grover Lane Extra Care, there are 30 flats, which can be single or double (couples) accommodation. These are split between two floors.

What areas do we support in?

Home Support Only. Confirmation of the areas of Bradford that you provide support. For example: We provide care within BD1, BD2, BD3 and BD5. We also provide the care and support at 64 Grover Lane Extra Care.

Additional Information

Include any information that you have not been able to include above.
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