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Information & Advice

Search results 54 results
  • Disclaimer

    Disclaimer Disclaimer: Information on this website does not represent a recommendation or an endorsement of a Service or Provider and neither does the Bradford Metropolitan District Council or its partners make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the information. © Bradford M…

  • Employment Matters

    Contact Details To contact Employment Matters, their details are accessible below: Email: employment.matters@bradford.gov.uk Telephone: 07816117793

  • Occupational Therapy

    Occupational Therapy Teams Enablement This team supports your care providers to deliver safe care, in your own home. The Occupational Therapists assess your moving and handling needs, provide equipment such as hoists, shower chairs and seating to enable your independence and support your quality o…

  • Terms of Use

    Terms of Use User Terms & Conditions The following Terms and Conditions apply to this site:: Throughout these Terms and Conditions as a user or prospective user of the Site or the Services (as defined below) you are referred to as “You” or are described as “A User” or “The User”. By access…

  • Bradford Shared Access Directories

    Bradford Shared Access Directories Network Bradford Directories Network - What is this? The Bradford Shared Access Directories Network are a group of websites, with health and social care focused directories, that are working to one common goal: Improved access to information at the point of need.…

  • Home Support Handbook

    Quick Links Bradford Home Support Handbook This Bradford guide is designed to complement and not replace local guidance and professional judgement. This is a live document and will feature as an agenda item during Home Support Service Improvement Board meetings to ensure content is updated reg…

  • Infection Prevention Care Handbook

    Infection Prevention Care Handbook This Infection Prevention Care Home manual is designed to support local care homes to access the most up to date national guidance. It is a live document and will be updated by the Bradford Metropolitan District Council Infection Prevention team as required. …

  • Care Provider Handbooks

    Quick Links Provider Handbooks Care Home Provider Handbook Home Support Provider Handbook Infection Prevention Care Handbook

  • Guide to Adult Social Care - How to Access Social Care

    How to Access Social Care 1. Independence Advice Hub Independence Advisors, who act as a guide, mentor and coach, helping callers find tailor made solutions that meet their individual needs, will discuss opportunities including digital offers, self-service possibilities and community alternatives …

  • Financial Support Service - Provider Portal

    This guidance video has been produced to assist providers involved in the Provider Portal Pilot in using the facility. The provider portal will allow all non-residential providers to be able to submit information about the actual services delivered in the week compared to the planned level of …

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