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Information & Advice

Search results 54 results
  • Recruitment Initiatives

    Quick Links Initiatives to support your recruitment of staff 1. Bradford SkillsHouse offers a free recruitment service, matching those seeking work with local employers. The SkillsHouse team help to select, recruit and train suitable care workers or other staff (business administration, domestics,…

  • Restore2 Training

    Quick Links Module 1 - Restore2 mini and using softer signs to recognise deterioration RESTORE2 MODULE 1 PRESENTATION SLIDES RESTORE2 MODULE 1 WORKBOOK RESTORE2 MODULE 1 MINI TOOL Module 2 - Measuring vital signs RESTORE2 MODULE 2 PRESENTATION SLIDES RESTORE2 MODULE 2 WORKBOOK MODULE 2 - …

  • The Care Home Contract

    Quick Links Bradford and District Residential and Nursing Care Homes Provider List Reference: BMDC/DN420609 Contract Documents – July 2023 These are the current contract documents for the Bradford and District Residential and Nursing Care Homes Provider List. They apply to Providers who have b…

  • Urgent Contingency Support

    Quick Links Escalation Protocols 2021.12.24 Care At Home Escalation Protocol 2021.12.24 24 Hour Care Settings Escalation Protocol Peer Support Skills for Care Registered Managers Group https://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Leadership-management/support-for-registered-managers/Skills-for-Care-registe…

  • Winter Planning Toolkit

    Quick Links Winter Planning Toolkit Powerpoint Winter Planning Toolkit PDF Winter Planning Checklist Word Document Winter Planning Checklist PDF Winter Planning Business Continuity Word Document Winter Planning Business Continuity PDF

  • Winter Pressure Placements (Residential & Nursing)

    Quick Links This page contains a list of Residential & Nursing Homes that have signed up to deliver winter pressure placements. Details include the name of the care home that has signed up to provide reablement, the available service and the type of home so that you can identify providers that …

  • Advertise Your Service on Connect to Support

    Advertise Your Service on Connect to Support Quick Links Connect to Support Directories Connect to Support has two directories for services, they are as follows: The Community Directory is for low cost, even free, groups and activites available across the Bradford District. For those that are co…

  • Care Fee Uplifts

    2024/25 Uplifts 2024.02.20 Care Fee Uplift 2024 2024.04.03 Care Rates 2024/25 2024 25 Fee Uplift Notification FINAL 2023/24 Uplifts 2023 03 Fee Uplift Proposal Final 2023 24 Fee Uplift List Final 2023 07 26 Residential Nursing Home Weekly Rates 2023 2024 Enhanced Fee Rate Guidance

  • Bradford Buddies

    Bradford Buddies Who provides this service? Bradford Council Adults Services Health & Wellbeing Department have commissioned Royal Mencap and Age UK (non for profit organisations) to provide a Bradford District Buddy Scheme. What is the Bradford Buddies service? The aim of the service is …

  • Contact

    Contact Bradford Council If you have queries regarding the information that is available on Connect to Support, please contact connecttosupport@bradford.gov.uk. People Place Lives Ltd. If you are unable to access your account or create a new one, please contact PPL via their online form here; htt…

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