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Occupational Therapy Teams


This team supports your care providers to deliver safe care, in your own home. The Occupational Therapists assess your moving and handling needs, provide equipment such as hoists, shower chairs and seating to enable your independence and support your quality of life. They may review your care package to ensure it meets your needs.

Early Help and Prevention (EHAP)

This team provides early support to people who haven’t had any Occupational Therapy input to enable them to remain in their own homes, and be as independent as possible, building on their strengths and resources. Occupational Therapists work in collaboration with you and other Social Work professionals and Community resources to devise creative and person centred solutions.

Home Assessment Team (HAT)

This team supports informal carers such as your family or friends, to provide care in a safe and effective way. They can train your family/friends on how to use equipment you have. They will assess your needs and your home environment and consider whether they can provide equipment, or recommend minor/major adaptations to your house, which would be completed via the Disabled Facilities Grant process.

Children and Young People team (CYPOT)

This team provides assessment for children and young people who have physical disabilities, complex health needs and challenging behaviours. Their aim is to help children and young people to remain at home, cared for by their families and enable them to be as independent as possible. They work with other professionals involved in your child’s care and make recommendations or provision of appropriate and necessary equipment or adaptations to your house.

Independence Advice Hub (IAH)

This team is our ‘front door’ service and you will speak to them if you/your family/professionals involved in your care, have made contact with Adult Services to request an Occupational Therapy assessment. The Occupational Therapists in this team conduct telephone and/or virtual assessments with you to provide advice and information, signpost you to other relevant services and/or provide equipment and/or minor adaptations without the need for a face to face assessment. If they are unable to meet needs on the information provided, they will refer you to the appropriate team within our Occupational Therapy department where a face to face assessment can be undertaken.

Intermediate care (Valley View, Keighley)

You may stay at Valley View for a period of assessment/rehabilitation following a hospital admission, or if you are having difficulties managing at home. The Occupational Therapists at Valley View provide daily rehabilitation to enable you to increase your physical and /or cognitive abilities through person centred care plans and individual goal setting in collaboration with you. Occupational Therapists complete a range of assessments to establish your functional abilities including transferring from one place to another, washing and dressing, kitchen tasks, mobility and environmental home visits.

The Occupational Therapists work with your social worker, physiotherapist and care staff at Valley View to facilitate a safe and timely discharge home, liaising with your family throughout this process.